Kamis, 23 April 2009

Ini Bukan Jaman Siti Nurbaya

”Siti Nurbaya, seorang gadis belia, terpaksa menikah dengan tuan tanah tua bernama Datuk Maringgi. Hanya karena terlilit bunga hutang yang tinggi, kedua orang Siti rela menggadaikan kebebasan anaknya.”

Inilah sepenggal kisah dari Tanah Minang yang dapat menggambarkan ketidakberdayaan wanita pada jaman itu. Saat itu, sosok wanita hanya menjadi nomor dua setelah laki-laki. Wanita itu dianggap lemah, bodoh, tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, dan harus selalu tunduk kepada suami. Orientasi pekerjaan merekapun identik dengan dapur dan segala urusan rumah tangga lainnya. Kurang lebih itulah hal-hal yang melekat dalam diri seorang wanita. Orang-orang jaman dulupun hanya ”enggeh” saja mendapat opini tersebut. Hal ini tentu saja dikarenakan kurangnya pendidikan di masa itu untuk sosok wanita.

Beruntunglah Indonesia memiliki seorang pahlawan wanita seperti R.A. Kartini yang dengan ide-ide briliant dan keberaniannya menentang jaman telah berhasil mendobrak tembok penghalang wanita untuk maju. Dan seperti yang telah kita ketahui, berkat keteguhan beliau dalam menggeluti bidang pendidikan yang diantaranya adalah membuat sebuah buku ”Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang” serta membangun sekolah dimana wanita diberikan kesempatan untuk dapat mengenyam pendidikan, berhasil menuntun kaum yang tadinya dikenal lemah itu ke dalam suatu era baru yang kita kenal dengan era emansipasi wanita.

Sejak gaung emansipasi wanita bergema, kaum wanita mulai belajar dan mengapresiasikan dirinya. Kemajuan ini dirasakan bukan hanya di bidang pendidikan saja, namun telah berkembang ke segala bidang. Hal ini pada akhirnya berdampak pada wanita yang semakin lama semakin menjadi sosok yang mandiri. Sebagian besar pekerjaan yang dulunya hanya dikerjakan dan dikuasai oleh kaum pria saja sekarang bisa dimasuki oleh kaum wanita, seperti supir busway, engineer, dan bekerja di sektor perminyakan. Contoh lain yang paling jelas dapat kita lihat ada pada Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri yang pernah menjabat sebagai ”orang nomor satu” di negeri ini. Bukan merupakan hal yang aneh bila wanita modern lebih memilih untuk membangun karirnya dibanding menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Apalagi didorong dengan keadaan ekonomi saat ini, dimana banyak keluarga yang keadaan finansialnya tidak cukup hanya mengandalkan penghasilan suami saja.

Seiring perkembangan jaman, pola pikir yang berubah otomatis juga akan merubah gaya hidup wanita tersebut. Pada akhirnya, hal-hal praktis dan simple-lah yang lebih diminati guna mempermudah terpenuhinya segala kebutuhan mereka. Seperti memakai jasa baby-sitter untuk merawat anak selama bekerja sudah merupakan hal yang biasa. Begitupun dengan urusan pernikahan, banyak wanita modern yang lebih mempercayakan segala urusan pernikahan mereka, mulai dari hal-hal yang besar sampai kepada hal-hal yang kecil, kepada jasa wedding organizer (WO). Selain praktis dan simple kebanyakan wanita yang sudah mempunyai penghasilan sendiri jauh akan merasa lebih percaya diri. Ditambah dengan pengalaman yang mereka alami di dunia kerja membuat kemampuan analisis mereka terhadap suatu masalah menjadi semakin tajam.

Pada akhirnya kenyataan ini akan semakin membuka pola pikir wanita untuk terus mengembangkan potensi dirinya guna menghadapi tantangan jaman. Partisipasi dan kreatifitas para wanita sungguh dibutuhkan untuk bersama-sama membangun Indonesia kearah yang lebih baik.

General Manager

Extraordinary@Nv Wedding Organizer

Indonesian Government Needs to Improve Reading Habit

Paragraph Graphic:

Topic Sentence: The form of entertainment that should be developed within Indonesia is reading because it is not just a hobby but can support Indonesian people to get out from stupid ness.

Major Point 1:

Reason: Reading is very essential for human life.

Example: National Geographic

Major Point 2:

Reason: Most of Indonesian people still do not have reading habit.

Example: Large numbers of illiterate people in Indonesia.

Major Point 3:

Reason: However, there are many interesting books.

Example: Chicken Soup

Concluding Sentence: Indonesian government should hold “Reading Festival” to motivate Indonesian people to have reading habit.

Indonesian Government Needs to Improve Reading Habit

The form of entertainment which should be developed within Indonesia is reading because it is not just a hobby but can support Indonesian people to get out from stupid ness. Actually, reading is very essential for human life. By reading book, example: National Geographic, we can know more about everything in this world, many different cultures, and many fascinating and beautiful places all over the world without visit it directly. Unfortunately, most of Indonesian people still don’t have reading habit. This situation reflected by large numbers of illiterate people in Indonesia. Although they have ability to read, they prefer choose watching television or movies because of more interesting. However in reality, information inside the book is more complete and deeper. So more knowledge we could get than only know it from television or movies. In fact there are many interesting books, for example Chicken Soup is very interesting because presents touching stories and full of values of life. From all this reasons and example, Indonesian government should hold “Reading Festival” to motivate Indonesian people to have reading habit. Therefore they could get more knowledge, get out from stupidity, and could bring Indonesia to better way.

How Television Media Impact Society...

Television is not a luxury item again. Almost each house in Jakarta had television. Many private stations presented many programs, began at daybreak to dawn. According to one research, Indonesian resident finished 50 hours each week in front of the TV. Moreover, Indonesian children in general spent 4 till 5 hours in one day to watch TV. In holiday, that number increases until 10 hours a day. This fact can make we think how TV program become very potential media, not only to send information but also formed the people behaviors, both positive and negative, especially children. Could be imagined, the impact of television can influence people’s behavior, because of its special ability, can influence children’s behavior, and can loosened relationship between family members.

We can suspect that television can conjure up the community’s behaviors compared with the other mass media because it’s special ability. The special ability was the combination from the live sound and picture (the movement) that could be informative, entertainment, education, or even the combination of the three elements. A blog statement in www.ccc.1asphost.com reports that as the media audio visual, TV could attract 94 % the entry channel of the information in the spirit of humankind through the eyes and ears. Television was able to make people generally remember 50 % from what was seen and heard on television although it’s only presented once time or remember 85 % from what was seen in the TV 3 hours afterward and 65 % 3 days afterward (Dwyer).1 For the easiest example, we know that things like the person's lament of hunger in Ethiopia and the crowded atmosphere of the campaign in the Hotel Indonesia’s roundabout appeared more live in the television screen. They only expressed well through the television broadcast, not through the newspaper or magazine.

Television can also influence children’s behavior. The child who did not yet have the high critical power, but spent many time to watch the TV, have a big possibility to be affected by the contents. This will affect their attitude and could be brought when they are mature. Children can copy the violence action. For example, we often see the child who just watched the cowboy film, then he run to yard, and yelling “dor..dor..dor” with the toy pistol in hand. Children also copied several of the sadist scenes, and sensual, that shown on TV.

Finally, television can loosened relationship between family members. Most of children watched TV more than 4 hours a day so the time to chat with the other family member usually was “cut off”. For example, when we were children, we prefer spending much time to watch cartoon to telling our mom about what happen in our school. Its impact is very negative because we can loose many advices and the warmth of the family.

So, we must realize that what shown in the television screen not always in accordance with the reality. The parents should always accompany their child in watching television and give them explanation about the scene. Communication between parent and their child was demanded to be fluent in and had good quality. The value and religious teaching were made the living base in the family. The condition will become the fortress for the child in refining the relentlessness of the presentation of television.

1 http://ccc.1asphost.com/assalam/programtv/programtv.asp


TRY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway-

but your waiter may know!


This is pretty neat.

It takes less than à minute.
Work this out as you read ...

This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat.
(more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1757 ...
If you haven't, add 1756.

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
You should have a three digit number

The first digit of this was your original number
(I.e., how! Many times you want to go out to restaurants in a week.)

The next two numbers are

YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)

Newsletter Rumah Sakit

Ini adalah karya saya dalam membuat newsletter rumah sakit.. semua konsepnya dipikirkan secara matang karena sifat newsletter rumah sakit yang formal.. Mohon komentarnya..

Rabu, 22 April 2009

Three Issues with a Multicultural Workforce

  1. How must expatriate managers and area representatives modify their operational style, personal approach and behavior to fit the Indonesian (or Chinese or Japanese) corporate environment?
  2. What new understanding must they gain to be able to deal with workers and their representative?
  3. How can this affect the company’s image and acceptance within the host society? Should Head Office back in Saitama or Shanghai or Chicago is concerned with cultural differences, and if so are they ready to spend the manpower and money to adjust to them?

Answer i.

The expatriate managers and area representatives must modify their operational style, personal approach and behavior to fit the Indonesian corporate environment because if they do not, the message can not be delivered well and it will affect to their employee’s work ethic. The work ethic becomes lower; it means there are not motivated anymore to do the best. It makes the objective of the company will not achieved.

Answer ii.

Expatriate managers and area representatives should do STEEPLE research before they start work in Indonesia. This research contains social, technology, economic, education, politic, legal, and environment about Indonesian culture and environment. The social condition in Indonesia is different with western culture. Indonesian people usually do not talk straight to the point (high context communication) when they delivering message. For this thing, they should modify the rules and regulations or how they command employee with non direct language so it’s more appropriate to Indonesia’s culture. Technology and education development in Indonesia are not as fast as the other modern countries. Indonesian people still in the progress of using digital media so expatriate managers and area representatives should do training to improve the employee. For the economic, because the level of the economic condition of Indonesian people still low, they should concern to the employee’s welfare. Political and legal are crucial problem too, because different country means different political and legal system. Indonesia use Five Principal of Indonesia (Pancasila) Democracy. They must concern with the role of government: state control of business operations and healthy and safety standards in Indonesia. Expatriate managers and area representatives must concern with the key relationship between the laws from their original culture with law from Indonesian culture.

Answer iii.

All these things can affect the company image and acceptance within the host society. Because if they concern about the cultural differences, they can work together, between local and expatriate, effectively and efficiently. The expatriate know about the appropriate way how to deliver message to the local, the local become comfort, work happily, and finally can achieve best result. The host society can feel respected and will give good image to the company and the expatriate because they concern with host culture and take care of the welfare of the local employees. The host country feels that the foreign company can give good impact because although they are from other country but they know about what they must do, because different country, different approach. The Head office should be concern with cultural differences. Like or not, they must be ready to spend the manpower and money to adjust to them. There must pay for the price or sacrifice to get the maximum result that they want achieve. The manpower, such as expert, and money needed to do some research about the STEEPLE of the host country and give training for representatives who would be sending to the branch office.